This is my journey from the very first symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis; 17 years of progressive disability, through the search for a cure to the angioplasty procedure for Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency that pulled me out of a wheelchair and into a second chance for life.There is no cure...but we have for the first time a chance for an enhanced quality of life.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Pharma & Social Networking
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities
Communities created by a pharma or healthcare company for a brand or corporate effort
Program Type Name Description
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities 23andMe
23andMe – a unique mix of social networking and genetics supported by community (thanks to Arthur Alston)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Accu-Check Diabetes Link
Accu-Check Diabetes Link — “Diabetes Link is a Website dedicated to helping people with diabetes gather information, learn important facts and enjoy healthy lifestyles. Whether you’re here to see what your favorite diabetes bloggers are talking about, get a better idea of what your numbers mean, or look into the progress toward a cure, you’ve come to the right place.” Aggregates tweets and blog posts from diabetes info sources including prominent bloggers
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Alli Circles
Alli Circles — support community for Alli, weight loss product from GSK
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities BETAPLUS
BETAPLUS — support community/program for Bayer’s Betaseron featuring a peer mentor program
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities C2C: Connect to Conquer Epilepsy
C2C: Connect to Conquer Epilepsy — from Valeant, sub-part of EpilepsyEmpowerment.com. Users share stories one on one after trading email info. Nothing is posted on the site, so avoids liability for brand.
UPDATED Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Arimidex Celebration Chain REMOVED
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities CF Voice
CF Voice — “An online community for people of all ages living with cystic fibrosis. A place for motivation, inspiration and connection to the CFcommunity.” Sponsored by Novartis, won 2008 “Best Website” award from MM&M
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Children with Diabetes
Children with Diabetes — “The mission of Children with Diabetes, Inc. is to promote understanding of the care and treatment of diabetes, especially in children; to increase awareness of the need for unrestricted diabetes care for children at school and daycare; to support families living with diabetes; and to promote understanding of research into a cure.” Purchased by J&J in 2008 for a reported $6-7 MM
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities CML Earth
CML Earth — “CML Earth is a global, interactive social network dedicated to connecting the CML community from around the world.” Created by Novartis Oncology
UPDATED Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Crohn’s and Me
Crohn’s and Me — Unbranded site from UBC Pharma supporting yet-to-be-launched Cimzia, good overall disease information and features and active community
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities DepNet
DepNet — “DepNet is a Community on the Internet where people affected by depression and related diseases have the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences as well as finding information and help. DepNet is also a tool to support and help relatives.” Sponsored by Lundbeck.
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Diabetes Handprint
Diabetes Handprint – program that encourages people to share a message (as a handprint) about their diabetes with the community, sponsored by OneTouch (thanks to Fabio Gratton)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Epilepsy Advocate
Epilepsy Advocate — Epilepsy Advocates are a community of people and their families living with all types of epilepsy. Get to know the inspirational stories of Epilepsy Advocates, people like you who are finding ways to take control of their epilepsy and their potential. Sponsored by UCB, maker of epilepsy drugs Keppra and Vimpat.
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Hearing Journey
Hearing Journey — Sponsored by hearing implant company, small community, but active.
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Heroes of Hope
Heroes of Hope — “The Heroes of Hope program is sponsored by Genentech, Inc., to recognize and salute unique individuals with cystic fibrosis who are stars in their own right for striving to live full and productive lives, and for being role models of hope to others, while continuing to manage their healthcare needs.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities HER Story Community
HER Story Community — For Herceptin from Genentech, allows women to share their story about breast cancer
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities How I Fight MS
How I Fight MS — Individual stories of MS patients including blogs, sponsored by EMD Serono (via Nicole Johnson)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities iHateNeedles.co.uk
iHateNeedles.co.uk — EMLA consumer website (UK)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities I Walk Because
I Walk Because — “Our goal is to create a place where people can share the power of the Walk MS experience with others. While I Walk Because documents Walk MS events, it also celebrates the spirit of walking and movement in general. Acorda Therapeutics has created this website as part of our strong commitment to people with MS and the broader community. I Walk Because is not administered by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities GIST Earth
GIST Earth — “GIST Earth is a global, interactive social network dedicated to connecting the GIST community from around the world.” Created by Novartis Oncology, modeled after their successful CML Earth (via @andrewspong)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Lexapro iCAN
Lexapro iCAN – “iCAN.net.au is an internet support service for Lexapro patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders. It is technically operated and maintained by H.Lundbeck A/S in Copenhagen. Access is limited to patients being actively treated with Lexapro (escitalopram) in Australia and New Zealand. Verification of active treatment will be obtained through the batch number on each Lexapro pack. Lundbeck is responsible for the entire content and is the primary point of contact for all further enquiries.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Living with Hemophilia
Living with Hemophilia — “Bayer HealthCare LLC developed this Web site to share some practical tools that we hope will help you manage life in today’s busy world. Although hemophilia is part of your life, we want to make sure that hemophilia does not become your life. This Web site is designed to give you time-saving tips and strategies for living with hemophilia, and making life a little easier.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities myMSmyWAY
myMSmyWAY — “It was created out of a collaboration between Bayer Healthcare, Microsoft and the National MS society” Thanks (and more details) via WhyDotPharma.
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities MS Gateway
MS Gateway – “If you live with Multiple Sclerosis and want to meet like-minded people, the MS Gateway Community is the place to be. This online community puts you in touch with other people living with MS so you can discuss ways of coping with MS in everyday life and at work. Participation is free, but you do need to become a registered user.” Sponsored by Bayer.
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities MS Village
MS Village — “MS Village is a Canadian, bilingual education program and online community that provides the opportunity to connect with peers and share valuable information and support for people with MS and people affected by MS.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities MSWatch
MSWatch –”MSWatch.ca provides the Canadian Multiple Sclerosis community a place to openly learn, discuss and share anything and everything to do with MS.” Note: Canadian-based site focused on MS, sponsored by Teva
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Official Sponsor
Official Sponsor — ” is about identifying what you need to pursue the thing you love best. In return, we expect you to give it your all. And share how Prilosec OTC supported your passion.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Pulmozyme Community
Pulmozyme Community - "a place for people of all ages to connect and learn about life with cystic fibrosis. There are stories, games, links, tips, and much more.
For those 13 and over, you can also read about inspiring individuals with cystic fibrosis who have taken charge of their lives through a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and a faithful adherence to their medical regimen" (via @roskadigital)
UPDATED Brand Sponsored Patient Communities PEER Network
PEER Network — “United Therapeutics Corporation, the developer of Remodulin (treprostinil sodium) Injection, established the PEER (Patients Exchanging Experiences with Remodulin) Network – to enable you to exchange private, one-to-one emails with a Remodulin patient and hear about his or her personal Remodulin therapy experiences.” (via @arlyi)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities PKU.com
PKU.com — support community for patients with PKU sponspored by Biomarin, maker of PKU treatment Kuvan
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Strength for Caring
Strength for Caring "The Johnson & Johnson Caregiver Initiative is a pioneer in the emerging field of family caregiver support and StrengthForCaring.com (SFC) is the cornerstone of this important program. SFC is a comprehensive website designed to provide family caregivers with a broad range of expert content and information, an emerging on-line community, daily inspiration, and much needed support." via @thegsquared
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Voices of Diabetes
Voices of Diabetes — Novo Nordisk site that allows diabetics to share their stories and comment on others’
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Voices in PAH
Voices in PAH "Whether you're someone living with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a healthcare professional, or an advocate, you have something to say about PAH. And we want to hear it. Share your insights so we can continue to provide resources that are of benefit to you." from Gilead (via @arlyi)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities Walking Spree
Walking Spree — “WalkingSpree is focused on delivering a best-of-breed online wellness program by incorporating the valuable features from online pedometer based programs, online social networking programs and online weight-loss programs.”
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities We Keep Moving
We Keep Moving--"a disease awareness campaign built through community outreach and involvement. This is a new twist on patient testimonials, designed as a nationwide tour to document the stories of people living with MS with the objective of building a community to empower these people to continue to live their lives--to overcome obstacles and move on. What's more, the trio leading this contest have MS." Created by Novartis. (via @jaeselle)
Brand Sponsored Patient Communities myRegence
myRegence -- created by Regence, a Blue Cross, Blue Shield insurance carrier. "My Community on myRegence.com is a nationwide, online health and wellness community where members can find expert advice, information and opinions on everything from work-out routines and parenting tips, to weight loss and disease management."
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Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled)
Communities created with no direct control by a pharma or healthcare company
Program Type Name Description
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Accidental Sisterhood
Accidental Sisterhood--"We are dedicated to educating women on all things Pelvic Floor Health related. We provide info on overactive bladder, incontinence and other conditions that over 34 million women deal with daily."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) ACOR
ACOR — Association of Online Cancer Resources includes a number of online support communities including sites such as Oncochat.org
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Addiction Survivors
Addiction Survivors – “AddictionSurvivors.org is a not-for-profit organization (501c3 tax exempt status pending) dedicated to providing peer support communities for those with addiction disorders and their families and friends. These forums are funded in whole by individuals whose lives have been touched by addiction in one way or another.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) ADHD News Forum
ADHD News Forum — “Join our support group at the ADHD message boards with over 16,000 topics of discussion. Ask a question or connect with someone who is coping with ADHD like you.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Advanced Breast Cancer Community
Advanced Breast Cancer Community — “The Advanced Breast Cancer Community is a comprehensive information source and online community solely dedicated to the needs of advanced (metastatic) breast cancer patients, caregivers, family and friends, and health care providers.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) American Diabetes Association
American Diabetes Association — Discussion board featured on diabetes.org, the home of the American Diabetes Association
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Ask a Patient
Ask a Patient — patient provided drug ratings and reviews on almost all prescription products (via@roskadigital)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Autism 151
Autism 151 — “Autism 151 is a campaign to pull our community together and offer a brighter, more positive view of autism.” Features videos shared by the community.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) BeWell.com
BeWell.com — “BeWell.com has unique, expert-guided communities where you have access to authoritative information about health topics that matter to you. You’ll participate in peer-generated conversations, connect with other people who have similar experiences and interests, and interact with well-known, highly regarded healthcare professionals.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Body1
Body1 — “Body1 is a premier medical education and marketing company that educates targeted populations and provides interactive marketing tools for pharmaceutical, medical device manufacturers and biotechnology organizations.” (via@bunnyellerin)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) BreastCancer.org
BreastCancer.org — “Breastcancer.org is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) The Canary Report
The Canary Report — “The Canary Report is the leading website dedicated to news, information and inspiration for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and those who love them.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Cancer Forward
CancerForward--"CancerForward: The Foundation for Cancer Survivors is a not-for-profit web-based networking and educational resource for cancer survivors. Comprised of communities of individuals with similar interests in cancer survivorship, the website is designed to provide a place where survivors can connect with other survivors and with healthcare professionals to share experiences, advice and information about disease-specific issues as well as health, wellness and practical living issues." via @shelleypetersen
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Cancer Compass
Cancer Compass — “Within CancerCompass you’ll find a thriving community of more than 15,000 people connected to the latest cancer news, cancer information, decision support resources, and most importantly, each other.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Cancer Survivors Network
Cancer Survivors Network – “Discussion boards are used to post questions, answers, or comments about various aspects of your cancer experience such as diagnosis, treatment, relationships, or taking care of someone with cancer.” This is part of the American Cancer Society’s website at cancer.org.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) CancerTV
CancerTV — “CancerTV is the destination to share information and learn about cancer across the web. We encourage you to post your own original programming and share your experiences in our members’ forum. Institutions can also contribute content, such as educational videos, for broadcast to our global, connected audience.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Care Flash
Care Flash — “CareFlash provides a common place on the Internet, to and from which people may submit, retrieve and share information and well-wishes surrounding a loved one’s health circumstances.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) COPD Foundation
COPD Foundation - The COPD Foundation is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization created on June 14, 2004, and headquartered in Miami, Florida. In such a short period of time, the COPD Foundation has accomplished so much, bringing together the resources in the COPD community and creating more opportunities in order to serve those affected by the disease. (via @bradatpharma)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Circle of Sharing
Circle of Sharing — “Circle Of Sharing helps cancer patients and their caregivers get personalized information about the disease, and share that information with family and friends.You can create a Circle Of Sharing for yourself, or create one on behalf of someone you’re caring for.” –From the American Cancer Society
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Crazy Sexy Life
Crazy Sexy Life — “Crazy Sexy Life is a supercharged health hub filled with compassion, knowledge, and an anything-is-possible spirit. Our righteous mission is to bring together amazing resources and cutting edge experts in one easy to navigate hot spot.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America — non-profit foundation site featuring discussion groups and forums
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) CureTogether
CureTogether — “CureTogether helps people anonymously track and compare health data, to better understand their bodies, make more informed treatment decisions and contribute data to research.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) CysticFibrosis.com
CysticFibrosis.com — “We are patients and families from all over the world, sharing our experiences with CF and gaining power over our disease and our futures. We are joined together to grow our knowledge and reach amazing goals. Please join our community and our movement–together we are building knowledge and reaching for a cure.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Daily Strength
Daily Strength –”Most everyone has a serious personal challenge themselves or has someone close to them that does. DailyStrength is a collection of safe, anonymous, online support groups focused on over 500 specific challenges to help people overcome their personal challenge or support a loved one through theirs.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Depression Forums
Depression Forums — “Depression Forums.org is a community support website soley dedicated to Depression and Mental Health.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Depression Tribe
Depression Tribe — “While professional therapy and medication are a critical part of treatment, journaling and “talking” with others can offer many a chance to gain insight into their problems. DepressionTribe offers members a place to share stories, encouragement and friendship.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Depression Understood
Depression Understood — “Depression Understood offers many ways in which like-minded people can communicate with each other and offer peer support to one another.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Diabetes1
Diabetes1 — Created by Body1: “Body1 is a premier medical education and marketing company that educates targeted populations and provides interactive marketing tools for pharmaceutical, medical device manufacturers and biotechnology organizations.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Diabetic Connect
Diabetic Connect –”We’re all friends here—friends who know what it’s like to live with diabetes. We make it easy to start conversations, share recipes, ask questions about diabetic products, and much more. Our hope is to give you the support and information you need to live a long healthy life with diabetes.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Disaboom
Disaboom — “For people with disabilities, Disaboom’s lifestyle articles, blogs, forums, and health information provide shared knowledge about SCI, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and other disabilities. Whether you’re an amputee, caregiver, disabled veteran, or interested in exploring adaptive sports, accessible travel, or any other disability-related topic, welcome!”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) dLife
dLife – “dLife is the only integrated consumer/patient education and marketing platform that effectively targets and engages the diabetes community. dLife has become the premiere model to help companies communicate, educate and interact with millions of diabetes patients, consumers and caregivers.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) DoubleCheckMD
DoubleCheckMD — “The first-ever online medical search technology that empowers users to quickly and easily find accessible, accurate information on drug interactions and their side effects.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) eDrugSearch
eDrugSearch — “eDrugSearch.com launched in January 2007 as a specialized search engine for Americans interested in purchasing safe, low-cost prescription drugs from prescreened international pharmacies.” The site also features a community where users can rate drugs and also discuss various treatments.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) eHealthMe
eHealthMe — “eHealthMe is a platform to share and make use of drug outcomes in real world and in real time. Our user reports of drugs and conditionshave surpassed those on WebMD and other major health care websites. On eHealthMe, health professionals and patients can study how millions of people use their drugs, and change the way how drugs are prescribed or taken.” via @andrewspong
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Epilepsy.com
Epilepsy.com — “Epilepsy Therapy Project seeks to improve incentives and encourage commercial investment in new therapies. Acting as both a catalyst and clearing house for innovative research and the early commercialization of new therapies, the Epilepsy Therapy Project brings together financial resources, scientific insights and business expertise from leading academic and commercial industry participants.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Face to Face Health
Face to Face Health — “FacetoFace Health is a healthcare social utility designed to connect people directly together with each other via our HealthMatch system.” Interesting angle to connect individuals versus a group discussion.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) FindaDoc
FindaDoc — “The FindaDoc solution started as a simple concept: provide a fair and credible resource that is easy-to-use and that provides honest information about America’s doctors, to help support you in your healthcare choices.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Healia
Healia — “online health community and support groups where you can anonymously share health information, find people with similar health interests, ask questions of peers and health professionals for free, and earn Healia Points for helping others. ”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Healing Well
Healing Well – “HealingWell.com is a thriving social network and support community for patients, caregivers, and families coping with the daily struggles of diseases, disorders and chronic illness. Our goal is simple….to help people on their way to “healing well”.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HealthBoards
HealthBoards — “provides a unique one-stop support group community offering over 150 message boards on various diseases, conditions, and health topics. The HealthBoards community is one of the largest and most dynamic on the Web, with over 400,000 registered members, and over 3 million messages posted.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HealtheTreatment
HealtheTreatment "Your story is our story. Contribute your experiences to our library of health information so others can learn from your expertise."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled)Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Health Central
Health Central — discussion groups for multiple conditions from acid reflux to skin care.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HealthGrades
HealthGrades – “…providing ratings and profiles of hospitals, nursing homes and physicians to consumers, corporations, health plans and hospitals.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled)Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HealthTuber
HealthTuber — “Online Video Health Network”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) icyou Health Videos
icyou Health Videos--"the Web’s only destination focused solely on bringing you the whole world of healthcare video. From important medical breakthroughs to the latest diets, from recipes for people with diabetes to vlogs from cancer patients, icyou is healthcare video."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) iGuard.org
iGuard.org — “We are changing the way that doctors, pharmacists, researchers and patients like you communicate about drug safety. We help you stay informed about your medications and help researchers access valuable feedback that can help improve how medications are used.” Includes patient reviews of pharma products
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) I’m Too Young for This
I’m Too Young for This — “Unlike every other age group, there has been no improvement in the 5-year survival of young adults since 1976. This is not OK. Young adults also face unique issues that are not currently being met by the current continuum of care including fertility, isolation, insurance, dating/sexuality, financial assistance, education, employment and age-appropriate peer support such as social networking, both off and online.” From@thesafa
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Inspire
Inspire — “Inspire connects patients, families, friends, caregivers and health professionals for health and wellness support. Inspire works withtrusted health partners to build safe and secure health and wellness groups.” Numerous groups for many different disease states.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Joy of Diabetes
Joy of Diabetes — small group, but leverages Ning to create a community versus developing entirely from scratch. Also tweets@liveoutloudwdiabetes
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Juvenation.org
Juvenation.org – Juvenation is a social network created by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) especially for people with type 1 diabetes.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Know Cancer
Know Cancer — “The Know Cancer Community was created to unite the World in the fight against cancer. It is a place where you can connect with others, share your stories, and find support. A place where you can seek inspiration and provide empowerment.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled)Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) MedHelp
MedHelp — “MedHelp empowers over 7.5 million people each month to take control over their health and find answers to their medical questions. MedHelp has over 15 years of accumulated information from doctors and other patients across hundreds of conditions.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) MD Circle
MD Circle — “The best way to get credible informative reviews is to ask your family, friends and trusted doctors. This can be an issue if you have a sensitive matter that you don’t want everyone to know yet you still want a trusted referral. MDcircle works the way you do by building a trusted network among your friends and your doctors not some strangers.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) MD Info
MD Info — “MDinfo is a health information resource that empowers visitors to post questions and receive responses from Health Experts in a variety of specialties.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) MD Junction
MD Junction — “MDJunction is an active center for Online Support Groups, a place where thousands of patients meet every day to discuss their feelings, questions and hopes with like minded friends.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Metabolic Body Odor Community
Metabolic Body Odor Community — community entirely focused on support around metabolic disorders that cause body odor
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) MyBreastCancerNetwork.com
MyBreastCancerNetwork.com — Breast cancer focused information and support community that is part of the Health
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) My Cancer Place
My Cancer Place — “My Cancer Place is the only place to join a community of people with cancer, share information, give and receive support, learn from the experiences of others, and create a free web page with text and photos that you can change anytime.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) myHealthCommunities
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) National Keratoconus Foundation Forum
National Keratoconus Foundation Forum — “Through this forum and an email-based discussion group, KC Link, we provide information and support for people diagnosed with keratoconus,and their families.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) NetDoctor
NetDoctor — “NetDoctor.co.uk is a collaboration between committed doctors, health care professionals, information specialists and patients who believe that medical practice should be based on quality-assessed information and, wherever possible, on the basis of the principles of evidence-based medicine. Over 250 of the UK’s and Europe’s leading doctors and health professionals write, edit and update the contents of NetDoctor.co.uk.” Largest UK patient site.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Obesity Help
Obesity Help — “Welcome to ObesityHelp, the nation’s preeminent Bariatrics support community for patients and professionals.1998, ObesityHelp has been at the forefront of patient support and education, providing our over 600,000 members with the most comprehensive industry information available. ”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Organized Wisdom
Organized Wisdom — “the first human-powered, doctor-guided search service for health.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Our Beautiful Minds
Our Beautiful Minds — “This website is dedicated to people dealing with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and other related conditions. That includes the people suffering from them and also those who love and/or care for them.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Patient Power
Patient Power — “Patient Power is devoted to helping you and your family through knowledge, to get the best medicine and return to good health.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Patients Like Me
Patients Like Me – unbranded, 3rd party company, supports ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, depression, and a few others. One of the largest and most active patient support sites in the world.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Patientsville
Patientsville — “Patientsville.com is Your #1 Information Source of side effect information. Our mission is to provide You with the best knowledge about side effects of prescription and off-the-shelf medications.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Planet Cancer
Planet Cancer — “A community of young adults with cancer” from @pixelsandpills
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) PolioToday
PolioToday — “PolioToday.org is published by the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. This website is designed to raise awareness of post-polio syndrome and to be a resource for polio survivors. Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine, founded the Salk Institute in 1960.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) PrescriptionDrug-Info.com
PrescriptionDrug-Info.com — “This community was started in early 2005 with the goal of providing an unbiased source of personal experiences with prescription drugs. The idea for putting this together was sparked by the fact that there did not seem to be an easy to use site out there for the average person to learn about and share their experiences with various medications. From the very first design to how the site operates today, simplicity and community have been our focus.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Psych Central
Psych Central — “the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health network, providing reliable, trusted information & self-help support communities for over 13 years.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) RareShare
RareShare — Unique social hub building communities for patients, families, and healthcare professionals affected by rare disorders.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) RateMDs
RateMDs — “The purpose of the site is to be a resource for people who want to find a good doctor. Where else can you find out what others think of your doctor? When choosing a doctor, wouldn’t you like some information first? It also gives you, the user, a place to voice your opinion. Your opinion will help others find a good doctor.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Real Mental Health
Real Mental Health — “RealMentalHealth.com is the first social networking site focusing on mental health treatment and wellness. The online community includes individuals, their family members, loved ones and friends who want to easily and interactively obtain knowledge about symptoms and treatments in a supportive community environment.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Real Women on Health
Real Women on Health — “Welcome to our community where women support each other in being their own best health and wellness advocate!”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) RealSelf
RealSelf — “Get the real story about cosmetic treatments from real people and great doctors”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Revolution Health
Revolution Health — “RevolutionHealth.com, a free, comprehensive health and medical information site, specifically designed with the Family’s Chief Medical Officer — women and other caregivers — in mind. RevolutionHealth.com offers best-of-breed health information as well as more than 125 online tools aimed at helping individuals take control of their well-being.” Includes multiple support groups and blogs for various diseases.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Rheumatology Channel
Rheumatology Channel — “Developed and monitored by board-certified physicians, RheumatologyChannel provides comprehensive, trustworthy information about rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions and diseases, such as arthritis, gout, and lupus.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) rVita
rVita — “rVita’s mission is to help people heal themselves with the help of Integrative, Complementary and Alternative Medicine”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) RX Mole
RX Mole — “Rx Mole is an independent community for people to network together to share prices on local prescription drugs. Each member can confidentially submit or look up prices online. Know the price before traveling to a pharmacy.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Schizophrenia.com
Schizophrenia.com — “A non-profit community providing in-depth information, support and education related to schizophrenia, a disorder of the brain and mind.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Sleep Disorder Connect
Sleep Disorder Connect – “Whether you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or insomnia or another sleep disorder, we make it easy to start conversations, share treatments, read and post product recommendations, and much more.” Site is in Beta
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) SoberCircle
SoberCircle — “is a friendly and feature-rich online recovery community. It is a “home away from home” for people in recovery or those considering recovery, and their family and friends.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) SparkPeople
SparkPeople — “This site really is free– with no strings attached. Over 5 million people have joined SparkPeople to lose weight and make healthy lifestyle changes. Major media outlets like Good Morning America, The Today Show, and People Magazine regularly feature successful SparkPeople members and talk about how this is a completely free site.” “Best Health Website” in 2006, 2007, and 2008 according to Business Week.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) StopAfib.org
StopAfib.org — “Our goal is to provide you with information and perspectives about living with atrial fibrillation, and to help you find an atrial fibrillation treatment or cure. We’re about patients helping patients, providing information, education, and resources. We’re here to help you overcome your atrial fibrillation. You are not alone.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled)Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Sugar Stats
Sugar Stats — “SugarStats provides online diabetes management, community support and collaborative sharing to motivate and improve health.” Paid service.
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Take this Life
Take this Life –”Welcome to TakeThisLife.com, the Internet’s most unique depression forum. Here you will find people who will listen. More importantly, here you will find people who will care. You can take this life and improve it. We can help.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Teen Connector
Teen Connector — Private community for teens with cancer, sponsored by Teva. Article about site here. (via @natbourre)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) The Body
The Body — “The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource” Also includes a new tracking feature, My Health Tracker, sponsored by Merck. (via @skypen)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) This is MS
This is MS — “This is MS is an unbiased, unaffiliated site dedicated to eradicating Multiple Sclerosis. We offer an open-minded approach to *all* potentially viable treatments, ranging from the FDA-approved disease-modifying drugs such as Copaxone to alternative treatments such as Low Dose Naltrexone.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Trusera
Trusera – “Trusera is an online health network with real-world experiences and insights from people like you.” NOTE: as of May 27,2009, Trusera is no longer available (story here).
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Traineo
Traineo — “Traineo helps you lose weight by letting you track your progress through a unique way of getting friendly motivation. The concept is simple: you sign up and choose up to 4 friends or members of your family to receive weekly email updates on how you’re doing.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) TuDiabetes
TuDiabetes — “A social network for support, education, and sharing the steps taken every day to stay healthy while living with this very serious condition.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Upopolis
Upopolis — “Upopolis is a private social utility that connects young hospital patients to their family, friends and school network .” (via @natbourre)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Vitals
Vitals — “At some point in our lives, we all will need to go to the doctor. Perhaps for a mild problem, or perhaps for a serious one. Vitals was created to give consumers the tools — for the first time — to make informed decisions about which doctor to choose. Our web site offers you a variety of ways to find a doctor that’s right for you.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) WebMD Health Exchange
WebMD Health Exchange — “Introducing a place where you can get help and give help within WebMD, the most trusted leader in online health information.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) WEGOHealth
WEGOHealth — “WEGO Health is the home of Health Activists – vigorous advocates, avid connectors, daily contributors and social media opinion leaders who bring the expertise of having been there, survived that. ”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Wellsphere
Wellsphere — “Wellsphere’s mission is to help millions of people live healthier, happier lives by connecting them with the knowledge, people and tools they need to manage and improve their health. Recognizing that each person has their own unique health questions, we developed a model that combines personalized information and social support to help people address their individual concerns.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) What Now
What Now — “Join a community of 1000s of people affected by cancer and chat, blog, post to the forums, join support groups, share photos and videos and much more.”
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Wiser Together/Wiser Pregnancy
Wiser Together/Wiser Pregnancy — “WiserTogether was born out of the simple idea that technology can help people facing challenging situations to make informed decisions that give them peace of mind. Making decisions without adequate information is stressful – especially when the health of you or your baby is at stake.” Community data and decision resource using “crowdsourced” past decisions and outcomes. (via Joel Selzer)
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) TMJ Hope
TMJ Hope: "TMJ Hope is a website & community designed to help fellow temporomandibular joint disorder sufferers through their journey. We have every intention of providing the latest research & educational materials to our users, but this site is written & participated in by lay people."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Vivu
Vivu: social network to connect potential patients and doctors
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Be Valley
Be Valley: "Bevalley, a health network where medical facts are shared and analyzed"
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HCV Share
HCV Share: Hepatitis C Support Network
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Navigating Cancer
Navigating Cancer: "We understand how overwhelming a cancer diagnosis can be. Navigating Cancer will help you take control of your journey by bringing together powerful tools, relevant cancer resources, and a supportive community — all free and easy to use."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Health Unlocked
Health Unlocked: "HealthUnlocked is a place where you can connect with people who share your health concerns and find information and advice in groups sponsored by organizations you know and trust. As a member you can use HealthUnlocked to let friends and family know how you're doing, contact others who share your health concerns, receive personalized updates and information about participating in surveys and clinical trials, and more."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Remedeo
Remedeo: (French) "Our mission is to provide online information customized, objective and relevant , to assist the population in the daily management of their health in partnership with health professionals."
Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Chronic Babe
Chronic Babe -- "An online resource for young women with chronic illness."
NEW Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) User Meds
User generated drug reviews including images.
NEW Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Cushing's Help
Support program for people with Cushing's Syndrome.
NEW Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) Kids With Food Allergies
"Our Parents of Food Allergic Kids (POFAK™) Community is the largest online support community for families raising children with food allergies. "
NEW Patient Communities (Non-Brand Controlled) HealthShare Groups
"Healthshare groups is a social health network. Our community helps members take control of their health through information and support. Members use healthshare groups to make valuable friendships, share health information, and coordinate support and care for other."
Jump back to the top of the page.
Healthcare Professional Communities
Communities exclusive to healthcare professionals
Program Type Name Description
Healthcare Professionals Communities American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Academy of Ophthalmologyy--"With photo-sharing, groups, blogs and more, the AAO.org community might just be the next best thing to the Annual Meeting. Join the conversation to make it even better!" via @paulwynn
Healthcare Professionals Communities Asklepios
Asklepios — HCPs’ social network operated by the Canadian Medical Association
Healthcare Professionals Communities CardioSource
CardioSource--Physician communities from the American College of Cardiology. (via @paulwynn)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Cardiothoracic Surgery Network
Cardiothoracic Surgery Network--"CTSNet is the most comprehensive, most heavily trafficked, and most reliable online source of information about cardiothoracic surgery available worldwide, and its online community of cardiothoracic surgeons is the largest in the world." via @paulwynn
Healthcare Professionals Communities Coliquio
Coliquio — HCPs’ social network serving the German speaking countries. Plans to expand and launch in Italy, France and Spain
Healthcare Professionals Communities DermRounds
DermRounds — “created by dermatologists, this is a social and professional networking site dedicated to connecting dermatologists, residents, fellows, other physicians, health professionals, industry leaders, and anyone who is in the field of dermatology!”
Healthcare Professionals Communities DocGreet
DocGreet- "DocGreet.com offers a complete solution for doctor to doctor communication, and marketing solutions to retain your current patients and reach future ones." (via @SpitzStrategy)
Healthcare Professionals Communities DocCheck Faces
DocCheck Faces — A HCPs’ social network for physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and veterinary surgeons. Linkedin structure with communities for Germam, French, Italian and Spanish HCPs.
Healthcare Professionals Communities doc2doc
doc2doc — Created by the publishers of The British Medical Journal “doc2doc is a free and easy to use online doctors community. doc2doc has a range of tools to help you network with other doctors on a professional and social level.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doctors.net.uk
Doctors.net.uk – “Doctors.net.uk is available to UK-registered doctors in primary and secondary care. It offers a professional, secure e-mail facility, clinical and non-clinical fora, the very latest medical information and free accredited education allowing doctors to maintain Continuing Professional Development (CPD).” Thanks to@sammielw
Healthcare Professionals Communities Dooox
Dooox – A community on medical and healthcare communities serving the German speaking counties in Europe: Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doctor Networking
Doctor Networking — As a member of DoctorNetworking, you can connect and interact with an expanded network of physicians whose collective knowledge you can contribute to and benefit from. Your professional relationships are key to your professional success. Your network consists of your connections, your connections’ connections, linking you to thousands of qualified professionals.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doctors Hangout
Doctors Hangout — “DoctorsHangout.com is an exclusive next generation social networking service for Medical Students, Residents and Doctors. DoctorsHangout social network can help you maintain existing personal and professional relationships and establish new ones by reaching out to Doctors you’ve never met before.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doctrs
Doctrs — “Doctrs is an exclusive social net for Physicians.Doctrs has been founded by Michael Kamleitner and Lukas Zinnagl in 2008. The intention was to create a private network, which serves the needs physicians around the world face when being in a social net.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities EyeSpace MD
EyeSpace MD--"EyeSpaceMD is a multi-dimensional, web-based ophthalmic education portal developed by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. EyeSpaceMD offers educational content derived from ophthalmic meetings along with ancillary information and opinion in the form of on-line discussion groups, archives, videos, images, articles, news reporting, podcasting, and industry-supported information." (via @paulwynn)
Healthcare Professionals Communities IMedExchange
IMedExchange — “iMedExchange connects physicians with information, opportunities, and each other. With a rapidly growing membership of physicians nationwide and more than 300 physician advisors, medical directors, and investors, iMedExchange is driven at all levels to support and promote the interests of physicians.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities IVrach
IVrach--Social network for Russian speaking physicians
Healthcare Professionals Communities Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute
Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute- "At the Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute, our vision is to transform diabetes care. We see a world without limits for people with diabetes. We seek to make this world a reality by empowering healthcare professionals in countries worldwide to improve the quality of life for people with diabetes."
Healthcare Professionals Communities medpharmaconnect
medpharmaconnect- "MedPharmaConnect is a social networking site which has been designed to encourage "good relationship practice" between pharmaceutical and medical professionals. The site enables users to connect, contribute and collaborate with others through articles, forums, news updates, Physician interviews and much more."
Healthcare Professionals Communities MedicSpeak
MedicSpeak — “MedicSpeak is a premier international network of doctors and medical students. The objective is to enhance communication, collaborations, exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Medscape Physician Connect
Medscape Physician Connect –”We’ve provided the tools for you to engage your peers through our FREE global physician community – Physician Connect. Expand your social network and access the knowledge base of tens of thousands of doctors on any topic.” Physicians-only network
Healthcare Professionals Communities Medting
Medting — “MEDTING is an interactive platform on web for the medical professionals over the world to share their knowledge. MEDTING is a best tool for a physician for sharing medical images, videos and discuss them with a large community of physicians. All for free, always.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities MedTrust
MedTrust — “MedTrust Online connects oncologists with the latest clinical discoveries to improve patient care.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities New Media Medicine
New Media Medicine — Based in New Zealand, a doctors’, medical students’, and pre-medical students’ social network. 60,000 members as of July 2009
Healthcare Professionals Communities NurseConnect
NurseConnect — “NurseConnect is an online nursing community and networking site for nurses and other healthcare professionals interested in advancing their education, careers and personal lives by sharing experiences and knowledge with others. NurseConnect is owned and operated by AMN Healthcare, Inc.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities OBGYN.net
OBGYN.net — “OBGYN.net has been online since 1995. It represents a vast and ever growing research and support community with over1000,000 pages of educational material and social networking.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities OrthoMind
OrthoMind –Social network for orthopaedic surgeons
Healthcare Professionals Communities Ozmosis
Ozmosis – “The Trusted Physician’s Network” is the professional application of a social network that enables verified, U.S. licensed physicians to exchange medical knowledge. By leveraging the power of the trusted network, Ozmosis delivers personalized and relevant medical information to each member, ultimately saving time and improving patient care.
Healthcare Professionals Communities PharmQD
PharmQD — “The mission of PharmQD is to create an online pharmacy community where members can network socially and professionally to achieve their individual goals and promote advances in pharmacy practice.” (via @kevinclauson)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Present Diabetes
Present Diabetes — “The multi-disciplinary diabetes team use PRESENT Diabetes to improve their skills in the treatment of their diabetic patients, learn from and interact with key opinion leaders and stay on the cutting edge of the dynamic field of diabetes and the diabetic foot. All the benefits of a Live Conference available free online.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Present Podiatry
Present Podiatry — “PRESENT Podiatric Residency Education Online, currently in it’s 7th year, has become the standard lecture curriculum at podiatric residency programs across the country. PRESENT Podiatry provides Facebook style social networking services to the podiatry community.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Relaxdoc
Relaxdoc – “Welcome to RelaxDoc.com, the exclusive FREE online resource for physicians – a private community created by physicians, providing concise information and valuable services to help you balance your personal and professional life. Relaxdoc.com is your single source for news and information, peer networking, travel, sports, and more.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities RxSpace
RxSpace — “RxSpace is a unique Professional Social Networking website dedicated to individuals in the pharmacy industry. RxSpace provides a sounding board for pharmacy students, pharmacists, pharmacy owners and academia to discuss, debate and initiate conversations on topics and issues relevant to their fields.” (via @kevinclauson)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Sermo
Sermo –”Sermo, the fastest – growing community created by physicians, for physicians. Here, physicians aggregate observations from their daily practice and then – rapidly and in large numbers – challenge or corroborate each others opinions, accelerating the emergence of trends and new insights on medications, devices and treatments. You can then apply the collective knowledge to achieve better outcomes for your patients.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities SocialMD
SocialMD — “SocialMD is a great new way to network with other physicians. Whether you are a medical student, resident, fellow or physician you will find that SocialMD is a great way to meet and network with other medical professionals. There are currently more than 3100 members in SocialMD.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Spine Connect
Spine Connect – “Syndicom SpineConnect is the leading collaborative knowledge network for spine surgeons to collaborate on difficult and unusual cases.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities Symposier
Symposier--"Symposier is a utility aimed at the worldwide physicians community where we integrate content from the core medical sources, presented in a wide range of formats such as video, images, text, links and documents. These contents are later categorized through a standardized approach designed to enhance the functionality and the learning experience for the physicians, allowing them to easily browse and research medical content" (via@gzones1974)
Healthcare Professionals Communities TimedRight
TimedRight — provides healthcare professionals a tool to find, connect and engage with other healthcare professionals, helping them extend their network, deepen existing relationships, and freely share and exchange knowledge. As of this posting, May 11 2009, TimedRight is in beta.
Healthcare Professionals Communities Tiromed
Tiromed — Physician and medical student social network
Healthcare Professionals Communities VuMedi
VuMedi – “VuMedi is a surgeon-only video sharing website where you can view, upload, and discuss surgical videos.” (via@nicoleljohnson)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Within3
Within3 — “Within3 is the online professional networking site exclusively for health and life science practitioners worldwide to find, connect and collaborate with the right colleague right now. Within3 is free to individual professionals, earning its revenue by selling software licenses to health and life science organizations who wish to establish online communities inside the platform.”
Healthcare Professionals Communities YP Connection
YP Connection--Young physicians network from the American Academy of Pediatrics. (via @paulwynn)
Healthcare Professionals Communities meshMD
meshMD: "meshMD is the premier online platform for medical collaboration. It is the web’s most powerful tool for doctors to ask questions of their peers, post important and relevant medical data for review and collaboration, and build valuable professional relationships. The free management tools provided at meshMD facilitate the collaboration process."
Healthcare Professionals Communities Gas Exchange
Gas Exchange: community focused on anesthesia related topics
Healthcare Professionals Communities DXY
DXY-Chinese HCP community (via @lenstarnes)
Healthcare Professionals Communities M3
M3- Chinese HCP Community (via @lenstarnes)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doximity
Doximity: "A timely lab result, the right referral, a quick phone consult — we have all seen that better communication can result in meaningfully better patient outcomes. In an age of competing health systems and disconnected "data silos," we hope that Doximity can help connect the people that matter most — the professionals at the point-of-care." (via 33 Charts)
Healthcare Professionals Communities Doctors Talk
Doctors Talk: "the place for the medical community to meet, find &
share medical information, jobs & events" (via @jaeselle)
Healthcare Professionals Communities ACS United
ACS United -- "A social and professional network for all healthcare professionals involved in the management and care of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS)" Created and owned by AstraZeneca UK
NEW Healthcare Professionals Communities Human Health Project
"The Human Health Project began in California in 2006 as a non-profit organization when its founder, Dr. Phil Harrington, M.D., decided to create a platform for medical professionals to discuss rare and unusual health problems."
NEW Healthcare Professionals Communities Innovations MD
"A streamlined operation that aggregates, evaluates, develops, packages and drives the best ideas to market. InnovationsMD is that platform."
NEW Healthcare Professionals Communities ACS United
Sponsored by AZ. Registration required.
NEW Healthcare Professionals Communities "Fertility Space" from Merck Spain
Spanish language (via @ideagoras)
Jump back to the top of the page.
All pharma and healthcare Facebook pages and apps whether corporate-sponsored or not
Program Type Name Description
UPDATED Facebook Acuminder REMOVED--Acuminder is the perfect reminder tool to help you keep track of all the little details that life throws your way. With Acuminder you can create any type of reminder for yourself or to send to your friends. ”
Facebook Acuvue
Acuvue — featuring open comments on the Wall (via @RosettaHC)
UPDATED Facebook Acuvue Wink REMOVED--With the Wink application by 1•DAY ACUVUE MOIST®, you can send a real wink to anyone you like. It lets you be as flirty, shocked or as mischievous as you like!
UPDATED Facebook Addressing Psoriasis REMOVED--Addressing Psoriasis was developed to inspire people with plaque psoriasis to actively manage their condition, be more confident and not allow the condition to inhibit their everyday style. Visit addresspsoriasis.com. Co-sponsored by Amgen and Pfizer, via@wmartino
Facebook ADHD Allies
ADHD Allies — “a new online community for and about adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ” McNeil’s follow up to ADHD Moms (see below), this one focuses on adults with ADHD. Thanks to @skypen.
Facebook ADHD Moms
ADHD Moms–A Place for Moms with Children of ADHD; sponsored by McNeil Pediatrics http://www.mcneilpediatrics.net Launched 2008
Facebook AstraZeneca Careers
AstraZeneca Careers — Recruitment site on Facebook
UPDATED Facebook Bayer: 50 Years of the Pill REMOVED -- (originally via @eileenobrien)
Facebook AstraZeneca Community Connections
AstraZeneca Community Connections — “We’ve created a range of important programs to promote healthy communities, including partnering with patient-focused organizations dedicated to disease awareness and prevention, research and education, access to healthcare, and more. Some of these groups include community healthcare service providers, civic groups, nonprofit research organizations, and public policy organizations.” (via @emilydownward)
Facebook Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate
Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate
UPDATED Facebook Breakaway from Cancer REMOVED--from Amgen
UPDATED Facebook CCFA and Shire Virtual Walk REMOVED--CCFA now has their own page at CCFA on Facebook
Facebook Claritin
Claritin- open Wall discussions
Facebook CHOICE Campaign Facebook "Causes" App
CHOICE Campaign Facebook "Causes" App- for LAP-BAND
Facebook Changing Possibilities in Hemophilia
Changing Possibilities in Hemophilia — “Changing Possibilities in Hemophilia® is a community to connect you to individuals and families living with hemophilia with inhibitors. Sponsored by Novo Nordisk Inc., we invite you to become a fan today!” Created by NovoNordisk. (via @cherylannborne)
Facebook Claritin Eye
Claritin Eye — (hat tip to @emilydownward)
Facebook Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
Facebook The Coalition to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
The Coalition to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) — Sponsored by sanofi-aventis (via @melissakdavies)
UPDATED Facebook Cold-FX REMOVED--2010 Winter Olympics focused brand page for Canada-focused, cold and flu product (via @natbourre)
Facebook Cooper Vision
Cooper Vision--featuring open Wall comments (via @RosettaHC)
Facebook Crest Whitestrips
Crest Whitestrips — “The leader in whitening brings you a page all about showing off your best smiles.”
Facebook CyberKnife
Facebook Donate Life America
Donate Life America — “Welcome to the official Donate Life America® Facebook page where you can learn how to change someone’s world by registering to be an organ donor.” This page is sponsored by Astellas Pharma, makers of Prograf, an immunosuppression regimen for liver, kidney and heart transplant patients
UPDATED Facebook "Don't Blow It" game REMOVED--Application/game created for Nasonex
UPDATED Facebook Epilepsy Advocate REMOVED-- part of a larger program from UCB Pharma (via@adweekdotcom)
UPDATED Facebook Gardasil Facebook Page REMOVED: More than 130k members, verified as the first pharma Facebook page.
Facebook In The Face of Pain
In The Face of Pain--from Purdue Pharma (via @skypen)
Facebook It Girl Essentials REMOVED: Facebook page for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
Facebook Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson — Corp. information page including links to many J&J social media efforts
Facebook J&J Nursing Notes
J&J Nursing Notes (via @eyeonfda)
Facebook Juvederm
Facebook Labs are Vital
Labs are Vital — Abbott Laboratories: “Labs Are Vital exists to support laboratory professionals everywhere by celebrating their contributions and extending the lab’s influence within the health care community.”
Facebook LAP-BAND
Facebook Latisse
Latisse — 8,000 fans
Facebook Lunesta
Note: page removed (3/11/11) Lunesta (via @skypen)
UPDATED Facebook Maria Strassman Novartis Oncology Zometa REMOVED: Marcia Strassman Novartis Oncology supporting Zometa
Facebook Mayo Clinic Fan Page
Mayo Clinic Fan Page
UPDATED Facebook MS Voices
New URL-Welcome to the MS Voices online community. Whether you are living with multiple sclerosis (MS), a care partner, family member, friend to someone with MS, or a supporter in the fight against MS, you’ve come to the right place. MS Voices was created for anyone touched by MS to help support each other, learn tips and hear from others." from Pfizer and EMD Serono (via @melissajlang)
UPDATED Facebook MS Champions REMOVEDUnite to Fight MS, brought to you by the sponsors of MS LifeLines®, connects you with National MS Society Walk MS walkers, Bike MS cyclists and others who are coming together in the fight against MS. Featuring an interactive events map, MS ChampionsUnite to Fight MS allows you to search for National MS Society Walk MS and Bike MS events, share photos and connect with others who have downloaded the application.” Created by EMD Serono, Inc. and Pfizer Inc, co-marketers of Rebif (from @skypen)
Facebook MS Village Canada
MS Village Canada
UPDATED Facebook My CML Circle REMOVED: from Novartis (via @arlyi)
Facebook Neurostar TMS
Neurostar TMS — via @arlyi
Facebook Nexium REMOVED
Facebook Night Nurse Nation
Night Nurse Nation -- from Abbott Nutrition
UPDATED Facebook Novartis Clinical Trials REMOVED: Listing of all active Novartis clinical trials created to recruit patients
Facebook Lilly Oncology on Canvas
Lilly Oncology on Canvas — “Oncology On Canvas: Expression of a Cancer Journey is an art competition and exhibition that honors the journeys people face when confronted with cancer. This biennial competition, presented by Lilly USA, LLC (Lilly), in partnership with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), invites people from the United States and Puerto Rico touched by cancer – patients, their families, friends, caregivers and healthcare providers – to express, through art and narrative, the life-affirming changes that give their cancer journeys meaning.” Thanks to @dcowlin and others.
Facebook Nicorette
Nicorette — (via @shikhvarger)
Facebook NatureMaid VitaminID
NatureMaid VitaminID — “vitaminID.com offers a daily vitamin plan tailored just for you in a convenient monthly kit. Complete our confidential Personal Health Survey, created by a nutritionist, based on your health, diet, age and more. Start today, and become a more perfect you!”
Facebook NyQuil
NyQuil – includes “NyQuil Nation” Contest
Facebook Pfizer
Pfizer — Official company Facebook Page (via @mhuckman)
Facebook Pfizer Turkey
Pfizer Turkey Corporate Page (in Turkish)
Facebook Prevacid24HR REMOVED
Facebook Prilosec OTC
Prilosec OTC
UPDATED Facebook Reclast "On the Go Women" REMOVED: one of the few prescription drug pages on Facebook (from Novartis, hat tip to @emilydownward
Facebook Sounds of Pertussis
Sounds of Pertussis--Awarenes campaign from Sanofi Pasteur featuring Jeff Gordon
UPDATED Facebook Team Hank from Genzyme REMOVED: Knee osteoarthritis can happen to anyone, including baseball legend Hank Aaron. Until now, Hank’s battle with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee has been kept on the sidelines. Yet, in hopes of helping the 10 million Americans with the condition, Hank has teamed with Genzyme, the maker of Synvisc-One® (hylan G-F 20) and orthopedic surgeon and author Dr. Nick DiNubile to launch “Get Back in the Game.” The program encourages the millions of people suffering with OA knee pain to take action now and to talk to their doctor about treatment options. (via @mikepresson)
Facebook sanofi-aventis VOICES
sanofi-aventis VOICES — “Our VOICES is the sanofi-aventis U.S. Grassroots and Civic Involvement Network.”
UPDATED Facebook Strong@Heart REMOVED
Facebook Zicam
Zicam — a rare example of a completely open, unmoderated Wall with quick responses from the brand.
Facebook Our Hemophilia Community
Our Hemophilia Community: from Pfizer
Facebook Take on Depression
Take on Depression: from AstraZeneca
Facebook I Am Pro Heart
I Am Pro Heart: from Bayer
Facebook Accu Chek Canada
Accu Chek Canada: from Roche
Facebook Lilly Careers
Lilly Careers: via @eyeonfda
UPDATED Facebook Lysteda REMOVED: brand page from Ferring Pharmaceuticals (via iMedia Solutions)
Facebook On Control Bone Marrow System
On Control Bone Marrow System: HCP-focused brand Facebook page
UPDATED Facebook Covidien TussiCaps "Cap the Cough" REMOVED
UPDATED Facebook Voices in PAH
REMOVED: (via @tlgrahamtlgraham)
Facebook The Diabetes Dish
The Diabetes Dish: from Merck
Facebook Botox Cosmetic
Botox Cosmetic: from Allergan
Facebook Sanofi-Aventis US Diabetes
Sanofi-Aventis US Diabetes
Facebook CVS
Facebook Allegra OTC
Allegra OTC (via @jaysbryant)
Facebook GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Corporate
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Corporate
Facebook MaxClarity
UPDATED Facebook sanofi-aventis US (corporate)
sanofi-aventis US (corporate)
Facebook My Alli
My Alli -- Facebook page for OTC weight loss product Alli from GSK
NEW Facebook TogetherRx Access
TogetherRx Access -- via @sambrowninc
NEW Facebook Zimmer
Corporate Page
NEW Facebook New Way RA
NEW Facebook Fit in Your Skin
NEW Facebook Novartis Corporate
(via @pharmaphorum)
NEW Facebook Salix Pharma
Corporate Page
NEW Facebook Teva Pharmaceutical
Corporate Page
NEW Facebook Psoriasis 360
From Janssen, focused on European audience
Jump back to the top of the page.
Pharma and Healthcare company YouTube pages or videos including corporate and brand specific efforts
Program Type Name Description
YouTube Abbott
YouTube AstraZeneca
AstraZeneca — via @eileenobrien
YouTube Bayer Corporate (German)
Bayer Corporate (German)
YouTube BayerTVInternational
BayerTVInternational — via @dominic_tyer
YouTube Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim — via EyeonFDA
YouTube BrainLine
BrainLine — BrainLine.org is a non-profit resource on preventing, treating, and living with traumatic brain injury.
YouTube Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
YouTube Concerta
Concerta — ADHD Channel branded with Concerta from McNeil Pediatrics (via Kru Research)
YouTube Humana Crumple It Up
Humana Crumple It Up--from the Innovation Center at Humana
YouTube CyberKnife
YouTube Excedrin Express Gels
Excedrin Express Gels — user generated video contest.
YouTube Genentech
Genentech — focuses on employee videos regarding why they work for the company (note: allows ratings and comments) FromEyeonFDA
YouTube GoInsulin REMOVED--from Sanofi Aventis
YouTube GSK
GSK — via EyeonFDA
YouTube Help Prevent
Help Prevent — GSK channel featuring commercials for cervical cancer awareness
YouTube InBedStory
InBedStory — “My life started getting a little, shall we say, tricky a while ago. Activities in the bedroom became, you know, increasingly limited. No naughty business as it were. Not that I didn’t want it, I just couldn’t. It got me down, but now I’m back to my fine, upstanding self and you can see how in these videos. This is my story. Maybe it will even strike a chord with you. Produced by Bayer Schering Pharma, helping men get their mojo back. Find out more about erectile dysfunction at www.In-Bed.info.” (via @pharmafocus and@lenstarnes) Also InBeddr channel featuring Q&A with doctor (viaSam Walmsley)
YouTube Johnson & Johnson Health Channel
Johnson & Johnson Health Channel — “Videos to promote a better understanding of health, from the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies.” — via EyeonFDA
LAP-BAND (via @arlyi)
YouTube Living With ADHD
Living With ADHD- from Janssen-Cilag (via @kingsgrove)
YouTube Lilly Oncology on Canvas
Lilly Oncology on Canvas — via @dcowlin
YouTube Living with ADHD
Living with ADHD--from Janssen-Cilag
YouTube Lunesta
YouTube Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic
YouTube MS Village Canada
MS Village Canada
YouTube My Asthma Story REMOVED--from AZ
YouTube My Treatment Decision
My Treatment Decision – Genomic Health
YouTube Novartis
Novartis — via EyeonFDA
YouTube Novartis Clinical Trials
Novartis Clinical Trials
YouTube Novartis Flu Flix
Novartis Flu Flix — Competition from 2007, 800k views for intro video alone
YouTube Nutropin
Nutropin — Genentech-sponsored “GrowthHormoneTherpy” channel (via @edwardaten)
YouTube Parkinson's Matters
Parkinson’s Matters — from Boehringer Ingelheim
YouTube Pfizer News
Pfizer News- News updates from Pfizer US
YouTube Pfizer Europe
Pfizer Europe – via @sammielw
YouTube Pfizer UK
Pfizer UK — featuring the advert created by “Pfizer in response to research which found that more than one in seven British adults (15%) has admitted to bypassing the healthcare system to get hold of prescription only medicine without a prescription”
YouTube Realize Gastric Band
Realize Gastric Band — Channel for Realize Band, Ethicon Endo-Surgery (a J&J company)
YouTube SanofiPasteur
YouTube ScrippsHealth
YouTube Humana Stay Smart, Stay Healthy YouTube Channel
Humana Stay Smart, Stay Healthy YouTube Channel--"Stay Smart Stay Healthy is a Humana new-media venture designed to deliver guidance, and to support awareness and understanding of the healthcare industry. Our goal is simple: to educate consumers on the healthcare system by removing the usual complexities and replacing them with an informative and engaging series of videos."
YouTube Stroke Prevention Channel
Stroke Prevention Channel — created by Boehringer Ingelheim
YouTube TevaNeuroHealth
YouTube Tibotec HIV
Note: page no longer exists Tibotec HIV — via @eileenobrien and@eyeonFDA
YouTube UC Success
UC Success — unbranded YouTube page for Asacol’s support program
YouTube Wyeth Hemophilia
Wyeth Hemophilia (via @eileenobrien)
YouTube Get a Real Plan
Get a Real Plan: Plan B One-Step's Get a Real Plan YouTube Channel
YouTube GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare
YouTube Prenate Perl
Prenate Perl: Prenate prenatal vitamins (via @nucleusmedmedia)
YouTube Astellus US
Astellus US: corporate level page (via @eyeonfda)
YouTube FibroCenter
FibroCenter -- Fibromyalgia information from Pfizer (via@EileenOBrien)
YouTube sanofi-aventis TV (English)
Moved from Misc category to YouTube. sanofi-aventis TV (English) -- Video news website created by Sanofi-Aventis featuring a pretty deep library of topics from corporate PR pieces to disease-specific information.
YouTube WhyInsulin
WhyInsulin -- "The stories you see here reflect the personal journeys of people like you who have diabetes and are making an effort to manage their blood sugar." Branded page for Lantus. Follow up to "GoInsulin," which had been removed in 2010.
NEW YouTube Sculptra Aesthetic Channel
From Sanofi-Aventis US
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Twitter (Pharma & Healthcare Companies)
Pharma and healthcare companies using Twitter at a corporate level, brand level and company employees
Corporate Level
Program Type Name
Twitter (Corporate-Level) ADHDSupport — From Shire for unbranded ADHD program (via @pharmaguy)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) AF Stat — Sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Allergan – added by whydotpharma
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Amgen (via @pierreyves)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Astellas (US)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) AstraZeneca — previously held by a “squatter,” this is now controlled by AZ global (confirmed by AZ on 8/25)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) AstraZenecaUS
Twitter (Corporate-Level) AZHelps — AZ account that finds people tweeting about Nexium and then responds with a standard message offering assistance.
Twitter (Corporate-Level) AstraZeneca Jobs — via @eileenobrien
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Baxter International (via @Roche_com)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Baxter Renal Info (via Eileen O'Brien)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Baxter US
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Bayer Healthcare (via @lenstarnes)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Bayer Men’s Healthcare (thanks @lenstarnes)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Bayer World Environment Day (WED)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Bayer US News
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Bayer UK Ireland — (via @andrewspong)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) BMSNews (via @andrewspong)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Boehringer
Twitter (Corporate-Level) BoehringerUS
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Cigna — US-based health insurance company
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Dialogo Roche (via @Roche_com)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Elan
Twitter (Corporate-Level) GE Healthcare
Twitter (Corporate-Level) GraftFinder
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Genentech
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Genzyme
Twitter (Corporate-Level) GSK
Twitter (Corporate-Level) J&J
Twitter (Corporate-Level) J&J History
Twitter (Corporate-Level) J&J Stories
Twitter (Corporate-Level) J&J Video
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Janssen Cilag (via @andrewspong)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) LifeSensor
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Lilly Oncology on Canvas — officially sponsored by Lilly Oncology
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Lundbeck — via @eileenobrien
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Mayo Clinic
Twitter (Corporate-Level) McKesson Health IT
Twitter (Corporate-Level) McNeil Recall – via @pharmaguy
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Medco Health Solutions
Twitter (Corporate-Level) MedImmune
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Medscape Oncology
Twitter (Corporate-Level) @medtronicanz--Medtronic Australia
Twitter (Corporate-Level) NeuroStar TMS — via @arlyi
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Novartis
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Novartis Pharma Switzerland
Twitter (Corporate-Level) NovartisTrials (via @skypen)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Novo Nordisk Race With Insulin
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Novo Nordisk Government Affairs
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Pfizer_news — Officially confirmed with Pfizer on July 23
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Pfizer Turkey--in Turkish
Twitter (Corporate-Level) PKUAwareness — from Biomarin (via @EileenOBrien)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Roche
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Sanofi-Aventis TV — provides updates on S-A’s new video channel
Twitter (Corporate-Level) sanofi-aventis Germany
Twitter (Corporate-Level) SanofiVOICES
Twitter (Corporate-Level) SanofiPasteur
Twitter (Corporate-Level) ThromboAdviser — Non-branded thrombosis channel supported by Bayer Schering Pharma. (via Len Starnes)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Vertex — (via @skypen)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Sanofi-Aventis US (via @EileenOBrien)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Sanofi-Aventis US Diabetes
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Pfizer Austria
Twitter (Corporate-Level) GSK (Global)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) CVS Caremark
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Pfizer Mexico (via @andrewspong)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Pfizer Turkey (via @andrewspong)
Twitter (Corporate-Level) sanofi-aventis US VOICES
Twitter (Corporate-Level) Stiefel, a GSK company
Twitter (Corporate-Level) DynPort
Twitter (Corporate-Level) GSK Japan HR
NEW Twitter (Corporate-Level) @adhdandyou_uk--from Shire
NEW Twitter (Corporate-Level) @trxa--TogetherRX Access (via @sambrowninc)
NEW Twitter (Corporate-Level) @Zimmer
NEW Twitter (Corporate-Level) @BexionPharma (via @andrewspong)
NEW Twitter (Corporate-Level) @Millennium_US (via Klick Pharma)
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Brand Level
Program Type Name
Twitter (Brand-Level) Breakaway Cancer from Amgen
Twitter (Brand-Level) CHOICE Campaign- program for LAP-BAND (via InTouch Solutions ePharmaRx Blog)
Twitter (Brand-Level) Cold-FX — Canada-based, cold and flu remedy (via @natbourre)
Twitter (Brand-Level) CyberKnife
Twitter (Brand-Level) Drive4COPD — sponsored by Boehringer (via @WendyBlackburn)
Twitter (Brand-Level) GoMeals (via InTouch Solutions ePharmaRx Blog)
Twitter (Brand-Level) MS Village Canada
Twitter (Brand-Level) PrilosecOTC
Twitter (Brand-Level) Race With Insulin — Novo Nordisk for Levemir
Twitter (Brand-Level) Strataderm
Twitter (Brand-Level) Xpresskindness — From Allergan: “My Expressions of Kindness is inspired by your kind acts & is donating up to $250,000 to 3 deserving charities when you spread kindness.” (via @roskadigital)
Twitter (Brand-Level) AstraZeneca Face Depression
Twitter (Brand-Level) Real MS Voices from Merck Serono S.A.
Twitter (Brand-Level) MaxClarity
NEW Twitter (Brand-Level) @transplantEXP--Transplant Experience from Astellas
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Pharma/Healthcare Employees (not necessarily official representatives of the company)
Program Type Name
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Arthur Alston, Roche
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Sabine Kostevc, Roche
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Colin Foster, Novartis
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Craig DeLarge, Novo Nordisk
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Shwen Gwee, Vertex
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Chris Hogg, CV Therapeutics
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Ray Kerins, Pfizer
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Conor McKechnie, GE Healthcare
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Marc Monseau, J&J
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Brad Pendergraph, Novartis
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Heather Reilly Powell, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Christopher Sampson, AstraZeneca
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Len Starnes
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Dennis Urbaniak, Sanofi-Aventis
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Rachel Yehezkel, Teva
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Paul Young, Sanofi-Aventis
Twitter (Pharma and Healthcare Company Employees) Stefan Stefan Schröder (Bayer): (via@andrewspong)
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Blogs (Pharma & Healthcare Companies)
Pharma and Healthcare company created blogs at the corporate or brand level
Program Type Name Description
Blogs Acromegaly Answers
Acromegaly Answers — “The Acromegaly Answers blog is an active resource for our widely dispersed community. Acromegaly Answers posts blogs from patients, caregivers, patient service specialists, nurses, doctors and others who live with and manage acromegaly every day.”
Blogs Advancing the Science (Mayo Clinic)
Advancing the Science (Mayo Clinic) — “The goal of Advancing the Science is to provide a virtual home for the extensive community interested in Mayo Clinic medical science and how it impacts treatments worldwide. It includes everyone who fits that description, whether student, scientist, science journalist, research collaborator, or one of Mayo’s more than 500,000 annual patient visitors or family members.”
Blogs AlliConnect
AlliConnect — brand blog supporting OTC weight loss drug Alli from GSK
Blogs Avenirdelasanté
Avenirdelasanté – GSK France blog (in French) – added by Why Dot Pharma
Blogs AZ Health Connections
AZ Health Connections — AstraZeneca’s corporate blog (via@emilydownward)
Blogs BTW
“BTW” Johnson and Johnson
Blogs Centocor 411
Centocor 411 — now defunct
Blogs Humana Crumple It Up Blog
Humana Crumple It Up Blog--from the innovation group at Humana
Blogs GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare — from @fxtrans
Blogs Kaiser Permanente Dr. Maring's Farmers' Market and Recipe Update
Kaiser Permanente Dr. Maring’s Farmers’ Market and Recipe Update — “Over my 37 years of practicing medicine at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA, it’s become clear that what people eat is a major factor affecting their health. On this website I look forward to sharing good food with you and celebrating the people who grow it.”
Blogs Kilmer House
Kilmer House — another J&J blog, this one is focused on the history of the company
Blogs LillyPad from Lilly
LillyPad from Lilly (via @skoko)
Blogs Mayo Clinic Stress Management Blog
Mayo Clinic Stress Management Blog
Blogs McKesson Medical Imaging Talk
McKesson Medical Imaging Talk
Blogs Medtronic Australia
Medtronic Australia-Corporate blog for Medtronic in Australia
Blogs More than Medicine
More than Medicine — GSK corporate blog
Blogs Pfizer Think Science Now
Pfizer Think Science Now — “Welcome to Think Science Now, an online forum about science. Here you can meet members of the Think Science Now 100 (TSN100), a select group of science and medical professionals from across Pfizer who are working together for a healthier world.” Written by scientists from across Pfizer.
Blogs Physician Update (Mayo Clinic)
Physician Update (Mayo Clinic) — “News for Medical Professionals from Mayo Clinic”
Blogs Red Cross
Red Cross — corporate blog for the American Red Cross
Blogs Scar Treatment Blog
Scar Treatment Blog — brand blog for scar treatment Strataderm
Blogs Sharing Mayo Clinic
Sharing Mayo Clinic — “A blog with stories from patients, families, friends and Mayo Clinic staff”
Blogs Discuss Diabetes
Discuss Diabetes: "The purpose behind this blog is to create a place where members of our sanofi-aventis U.S. team can engage with you, share resources, and participate in the online conversation about living with diabetes."
Blogs Life Technologies
Life Technologies: "Welcome to the Life Technologies Social Hub, your one stop resource for real-time updates from the company's social media sites. Through this hub, it's easier than ever to join a Life Technologies' community, subscribe to the News & Views blog, stay connected with twitter and facebook, download our latest iTunes App or watch a video from our YouTube library."
Blogs MEDblog
MEDblog -- from sanofi-aventis in Belgium (in French)
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Pharma and Healthcare companies corporate- or brand-level MySpace pages
Program Type Name Description
MySpace Addiction411
Addiction411 — page links to TurntoHelp.com, the unbranded site for Suboxone (Reckitt Benckiser, created by Commonhealth)
MySpace Living Positive by Design
Living Positive by Design — “Jack Mackenroth, from the hit reality television series “Project Runway,” has launched a national HIV and AIDS education campaign calledLiving Positive By Design in partnership with HIV and AIDS community organizations across the country. Living Positive By Design is being supported by Merck & Co., Inc.” (via @James Wells)
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Sites that combine either a number of “Web 2.0″ tools or several sources to create one data set or program and/or don’t fit neatly into one category
Program Type Name Description
Miscellaneous BirdsNBees
BirdsNBees — Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Campaign of North Carolina “You text us a question to 36263. Within 24 hours, we text you back with an answer. It’s that simple. We won’t judge you or preach to you; you get the best advice and information that we can offer free of charge. All questions are welcome and no question is too outrageous. We’re here to help.”
Miscellaneous HealthMap
HealthMap — “HealthMap brings together disparate data sources to achieve a unified and comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health. ”
Miscellaneous HHS, FDA, CDC Social Media Properties
HHS, FDA, CDC Social Media Properties
Miscellaneous Health Tweeder
Health Tweeder--aggregates Twitter content based on disease state in a unique visualization
Miscellaneous Map Pharma on Flickr
Map Pharma on Flickr — Just didn’t fit anywhere else (via Mark Bennett)
Miscellaneous Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media
Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media--"The Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media exists to improve health globally by accelerating effective application of social media tools throughout Mayo Clinic and spurring broader and deeper engagement in social media by hospitals, medical professionals and patients."
Miscellaneous Tweet Positioning System
Tweet Positioning System--created by Humana. Tracks tweets related to a single topic or hashtag including geolocation.
Miscellaneous Who is Sick?
Who is Sick? — “Who Is Sick was started in 2006 with a mission to provide current and local sickness information to the public – without the hassle of dealing with hospitals or doctors. With a strong belief in the power of people and a faith that user generated content can be extremely valuable, our team set out to create an entirely new system for tracking and monitoring sickness in your area and obtain sickness information. Information retrieved by tracking sickness in my area can also be used to map sickness trends in my region.”
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Wikis focused entirely on some aspect of healthcare
Program Type Name Description
Wikis List of Medical Wikis
List of Medical Wikis — A list of 69 (as of Jan. 2010) medical wikis covering a wide variety of medical topics from @davidlrothman
Wikis Medpedia
Medpedia — “The Medpedia Project is a long-term, worldwide project to evolve a new model for sharing and advancing knowledge about health, medicine and the body among medical professionals and the general public. This model is founded on providing a free online technology platform that is collaborative, interdisciplinary and transparent.” “Only physicians and Ph.D.s are allowed to edit the Articles on Medpedia after they create an account and are approved as an Editor.”
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Non-English Based Programs
Programs that fit any of the above categories, but that are not in English
Program Type Name Description
Non-English Programs EsTuDiabetes
EsTuDiabetes — Spanish language verison of TuDiabetes
Non-English Programs Femmes Avant Tout
Femmes Avant Tout — a French blog for women affected by breast cancer, exchanging stories and experiences – supported by Roche France and active since 2007. Thanks to @skoko
Non-English Programs NiQuipedia
NiQuipedia — Swedish language Nicotine Replacement Therapy wiki
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Blogs (Patients and Caregivers)
Blogs created by patients or caregivers (not pharma/healthcare company blogs)
Program Type Name
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Alin's Site
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Beating Social Anxiety
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Beyond Meds
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) brainhell
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Brass and Ivory: Life with Multiple Sclerosis
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) ButYouDontLookSick
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Chemo Chic
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Confessions Of A CF Husband
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Cystic Life
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Diabetes 24-7
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) DiabetesMine
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Disruptive Women in Healthcare
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Don't Fear Diabetes
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Duncan Cross
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Every PatientÕs Advocate
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Free My Brain From Migraine Pain
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Furious Seasons
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) In Sickness and In Health: A Place for Couples Dealing with Illness
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Lemonade Life
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Look Me In The Eye
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) The New Life of e-Patient Dave
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) The Mom & Me Journals
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Ninjabetic
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) PatientView
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Postpartum Progress
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Pregnant Stephanie
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Quantified Self
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Rhymes with Migraine
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Running for My Life: Fighting cancer one step at a time
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Six Until Me
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Soulful Sepulcher
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Survive the Journey
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) UC to J-Pouch Story
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Vicarious Therapy
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Reasonably Well
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Understanding Invisible Illness
Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Possibilism
NEW Blogs (Patients and Caregivers) Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior
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Blogs (Industry Observers)
Industry Observers (not pharma/healthcare company or patient blogs)
Program Type Name
Blogs (Industry Observers) 33 Charts
Blogs (Industry Observers) Action for Better Healthcare
Blogs (Industry Observers) AdPharm
Blogs (Industry Observers) gallery of pharma ads
Blogs (Industry Observers) AdPharmBlog
Blogs (Industry Observers) AdvanceMarketWoRx: Notes From the Back of the Book Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Advertising and Health
Blogs (Industry Observers) AlignMap
Blogs (Industry Observers) Aurora Comms Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Avatar Newsletter
Blogs (Industry Observers) Beaker's Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Behind Online Phama
Blogs (Industry Observers) BioJobBlog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Blogaceutics
Blogs (Industry Observers) CenterWatch
Blogs (Industry Observers) Compass Healthcare Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Cross-Border Biotech Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Denise Silber's eHealth
Blogs (Industry Observers) Diabetes Mine
Blogs (Industry Observers) Drug Channels
Blogs (Industry Observers) Drug Injury Watch
Blogs (Industry Observers) E-Patients
Blogs (Industry Observers) The eCTD Summit
Blogs (Industry Observers) ePharma Rx
Blogs (Industry Observers) EPG Health Media Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) ePharma Canada
Blogs (Industry Observers) ePharma Summit
Blogs (Industry Observers) Eye for Pharma
Blogs (Industry Observers) Extrovertic
Blogs (Industry Observers) Florence Dot Com
Blogs (Industry Observers) Found in Cache
Blogs (Industry Observers) ePharma Summit
Blogs (Industry Observers) Future of Biopharma
Blogs (Industry Observers) Gandolf's Marketing Magic
Blogs (Industry Observers) Getting To Integrative Health & Medicine
Blogs (Industry Observers) HealthEd Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) The Health Care Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Health Populi
Blogs (Industry Observers) The Healthcare Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) HealthCareVox
Blogs (Industry Observers) HealthTalker Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) HealthTechnica
Blogs (Industry Observers) Healthy Conversations Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Healthcare Vox
Blogs (Industry Observers) Hospital Impact
Blogs (Industry Observers) HIV Viral Load Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) A Human Voice
Blogs (Industry Observers) IdeaPharmer
Blogs (Industry Observers) IgniteBLOG: The Perfect Storm
Blogs (Industry Observers) Impactiviti Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) The IN VIVO Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Kru Research
Blogs (Industry Observers) LifeSensor Weblog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Marketing 4 Health
Blogs (Industry Observers) Med 2.o
Blogs (Industry Observers) Medical Brochures Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Medical Technology Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Medical Translation Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) My Insurance Expert
Blogs (Industry Observers) Myelin Repair Foundation Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Palio Never Be Forgotten Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) One Eleven Interactive Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Ozmosis Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Med 2.0
Blogs (Industry Observers) Med Men--by HC&B Healthcare Communications
Blogs (Industry Observers) Partnerships with CROs
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma 2.0
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmacy Technology Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmafocus
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma BlogoSphere
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma Marketing Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma SEM Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma Strategy Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmaceutical Jobs Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) The Pharmaceutical News
Blogs (Industry Observers) PharmaGossip
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmalot
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmaphorum
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharmas Market with Mike Huckman
Blogs (Industry Observers) PharmTech Talk
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pixels and Pills
Blogs (Industry Observers) Pharma-Bytes
Blogs (Industry Observers) Salute 2.0
Blogs (Industry Observers) Science Roll
Blogs (Industry Observers) STweM
Blogs (Industry Observers) What's Your Digital iQ?
Blogs (Industry Observers) Wishful Thinking in Medical Education
Blogs (Industry Observers) Word on Health
Blogs (Industry Observers) World of DTC Marketing
Blogs (Industry Observers) WSJ.com: Health Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) IPQC Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) FDAzilla
Blogs (Industry Observers) Medigital
Blogs (Industry Observers) EFPIA Blog
Blogs (Industry Observers) GlycosMedia
Blogs (Industry Observers) Siren Interactive (Siren's Song)
Blogs (Industry Observers) Digilicious
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Twitter (Industry Observers)
Industry observers (non-pharma and healthcare company employees) using Twitter
Program Type Name
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jonathan Richman
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jack Barrette
Twitter (Industry Observers) Wendy Blackburn
Twitter (Industry Observers) Janet Carlson
Twitter (Industry Observers) John Chilmark
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jane Chin
Twitter (Industry Observers) Sally Church
Twitter (Industry Observers) Mark Davis
Twitter (Industry Observers) March Drossman
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jim Edwards
Twitter (Industry Observers) Suki Fuller
Twitter (Industry Observers) Timothy Graham
Twitter (Industry Observers) Fabio Gratton
Twitter (Industry Observers) James Harper
Twitter (Industry Observers) Ellen Hoenig Carlson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Fard Johnmar
Twitter (Industry Observers) Carlen Lea
Twitter (Industry Observers) John Mack
Twitter (Industry Observers) Gregg Masters
Twitter (Industry Observers) Sarah Morgan
Twitter (Industry Observers) Eileen O'Brien
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kevin Pho (Kevin MD)
Twitter (Industry Observers) Allison Rigel
Twitter (Industry Observers) Dorothy Wetzel
Twitter (Industry Observers) Steve Woodruff
Twitter (Industry Observers) Fierce Pharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) PharmaProEditor
Twitter (Industry Observers) Action for Better Healthcare
Twitter (Industry Observers) Aurametrix
Twitter (Industry Observers) ExL Pharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) Digital Pharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) Partnerships with CROs
Twitter (Industry Observers) ePharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) Future of Biopharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) Breat Cancer Survivors
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kurt Mueller
Twitter (Industry Observers) Life Science Leader
Twitter (Industry Observers) Eye for Pharma
Twitter (Industry Observers) American Society of Clinical Oncology
Twitter (Industry Observers) Bertalan Meski
Twitter (Industry Observers) Mark Makuch
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jack Bilson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Janet Carlson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Pierre Yves Arnoux
Twitter (Industry Observers) The HealthEdGroup
Twitter (Industry Observers) CenterWatch
Twitter (Industry Observers) Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Center for Biomedical Informatics
Twitter (Industry Observers) Pixels and Pills
Twitter (Industry Observers) Betsy Stevenson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Angel Gonzalez
Twitter (Industry Observers) Emily Downward
Twitter (Industry Observers) Eric Brody
Twitter (Industry Observers) Clifford Mintz
Twitter (Industry Observers) BioJobBlog
Twitter (Industry Observers) Safa Sadeghpour
Twitter (Industry Observers) Andres Heuberger
Twitter (Industry Observers) Vertical Portals
Twitter (Industry Observers) Blogaceutics
Twitter (Industry Observers) Andrew Spong
Twitter (Industry Observers) James Wells
Twitter (Industry Observers) Joel Selzer
Twitter (Industry Observers) Nicole Johnson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Mark Bennett
Twitter (Industry Observers) Getting2ihm
Twitter (Industry Observers) Daniel Ghinn
Twitter (Industry Observers) Natalie Bourre
Twitter (Industry Observers) Dominic Tyer
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kevin Nalty
Twitter (Industry Observers) Eva Velasco
Twitter (Industry Observers) Ed Bennet
Twitter (Industry Observers) Gilles Frydman
Twitter (Industry Observers) Alex de Carvalho
Twitter (Industry Observers) Pharmaphorum
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kevin Clauson
Twitter (Industry Observers) David Brightmore
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kurt Proctor
Twitter (Industry Observers) Paulo Machado
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kathie Clark
Twitter (Industry Observers) Sam Walmsley
Twitter (Industry Observers) Melissa Davies
Twitter (Industry Observers) Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA)
Twitter (Industry Observers) Mike Huckman
Twitter (Industry Observers) Myelin Repair Foundation
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jeremy Grushcow
Twitter (Industry Observers) Martino Chiaviello
Twitter (Industry Observers) Dave Anderson
Twitter (Industry Observers) Mike Myers
Twitter (Industry Observers) Palio
Twitter (Industry Observers) Andy Levitt
Twitter (Industry Observers) Leigh Householder
Twitter (Industry Observers) Abby Lowe
Twitter (Industry Observers) Stuart Gandolf
Twitter (Industry Observers) Raphaelle Laubie
Twitter (Industry Observers) EPG Health Media
Twitter (Industry Observers) SRxA
Twitter (Industry Observers) Nancy Pratt
Twitter (Industry Observers) Tom O'Brien
Twitter (Industry Observers) Ritesh Patel
Twitter (Industry Observers) Jeff Greene
Twitter (Industry Observers) Odom Lewis
Twitter (Industry Observers) Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Twitter (Industry Observers) Tony Chen
Twitter (Industry Observers) Greg Waitley
Twitter (Industry Observers) Kevin Kruse
Twitter (Industry Observers) Julie O'Donnell
Twitter (Industry Observers) Xavier Lorenz
Twitter (Industry Observers) Paul Jacobs
Twitter (Industry Observers) Paul Hoff
Twitter (Industry Observers) EFPIA
Twitter (Industry Observers) Silja Chouquet
Twitter (Industry Observers) Christiane Truelove
NEW Twitter (Industry Observers) Mario Macinovich
NEW Twitter (Industry Observers) Leigh Fazzina
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Marketing Professional Communities
Communities focused on pharma and/or healthcare marketing
Program Type Name Description
Marketing Professionals Communities FDASM
All the news and information related to the recent FDA hearings on social media in pharma and healthcare.
Marketing Professionals Communities Ideagoras Community
“My Ideagoras is the “place of assembly” of those embracing the new social communications.”
Marketing Professionals Communities medXcentral
“Medical & Healthcare Industry Social Media Network”
Marketing Professionals Communities Path of the Blue Eye Project Online Community, Living the Path
This community is designed to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among health marketing communications professionals from around the world. The community features numerous articles, data and case studies. Health marketers can also submit news articles and blog posts via the community’s social news site and ask questions of their peers at its Q&A Center.
Marketing Professionals Communities Pharma Marketing Network Forums
“The Leading Online Community of Pharmaceutical Marketing Experts”
Marketing Professionals Communities Social Pharmer
“A social network for anyone interested or involved with social media in the pharma and healthcare industry.”
Marketing Professionals Communities #HCSMEU
#HCSMEU- Healthcare Social Media Europe Discussion
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Additional Resources
Program Type Name Description
Additional Resources Hospital Social Networking List
Comprehensive list from Ed Bennett featuring examples of 600 Hospitals using social media including: 280 YouTube Channels, 382 Facebook pages, 470 Twitter Accounts, and 82 Blogs
Additional Resources The Global Social Media Network
List of non-healthcare social media examples
Additional Resources List of Social Media Examples
List of non-healthcare social media examples
Additional Resources Monty Metzger's Blog
List of non-healthcare social media examples
Additional Resources Health 2.0
List of “Health 2.0″ companies
Additional Resources Instant Social Media for Life Scientists
Instant Social Media for Life Scientists — Here’s a collection of different links to social media examples in the life sciences area including Biotech. There is a mix of blogs, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. (from@Comprendia)
Additional Resources Additional list of Healthcare/Pharma Twitterers
Doctors and medical students on Twitter
Additional Resources Australian Hospitals using Social Media
Australian Hospitals using Social Media--935 examples total (from@sandnsurf)
Additional Resources TweetPharm
TweetPharm: "TweetPharm is a free interactive infographic that tracks pharmaceutical companies' use of Twitter. This aggregator compiles the real-time Twitter information of pharma companies currently taking advantage of this social media channel and compiles it into an easy-to-read dashboard plus a real-time interactive 'visualizer.'"
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